Tuesday, 30 April 2013

neglect ed

The layout of this blog is being neglected by me, im turning a blind eye, making up stories in my head, 'its not that bad' and 'prehaps they like it'. But honestly guys and girls i know i need to have a realistic goal, i'm not going to change it overnight. Afterall this is my first blog, it will take me a while to 'learn how to change it'. This evening i did have time but instead i went on Star wars the old republic (im level 16). I'l change the layout on the weekend to get this blog a little better and over time i'l make small changes and improvements untill my blog is fudging awsome (can you swear on blogs?).

Monday, 29 April 2013

Im honest

Im trying to do my french homework

oopps, sorry

hello, i'm sorry if you were looking forward to seeing a new blog layout, i've let you down. I didn't sleep well last night and i have been a bit dopy today and forgot about my blog untill 10 mins ago when i had some shit to eat. Bee shit on toast, some fruit mix, maple syrup, orange juice and vitamin C tablet. Now i'm wide awake, i do my day in the wrong order, should have done that this morning. anyway, this evening i put a new stem on my specialized and watched some youtube video's for a while. firstly skater fight things which was a recommendation and through the side recommendations managed to find 'simplepickup' or something which i watched for ages. the best was when they were using minecraft words for pick up lines.
   i should have been doing my french homework instead and is what i should and shall do now. Goodbye untill my next post.

Sunday, 28 April 2013

Couldnt wait

Hello reader, I'm Finnian and this is my first post on my blog. If your reading this now my blog will look just like the template (because it is). I just couldnt wait till tomorrow to create a blog, instead i just used a template and will change it when i have more time. So this is just a small HELLO! to see if i cam find anyone out there who thinks this very standard blog has something which makes it worth following or adding to your bookmark. To be honest i dont think anyone will read this on the day that i'm typing this. I've personally never read a blog and find it hard to find examples of 'john smiths blog'. But i'm not a tech noob as i hope you will find out as you follow through parts of my life. anyway, this was supposed to be very quick and short. I've got to go and pack for school tomorrow and brush my teeth. Goodbye and hello (if that make sense as its the beginning of my blog) Thanks for reading.